Thursday, July 31, 2008

From Shaggy to Shorn

I finally broke down and cut Ben's hair. This is his second haircut. I like it long, but it just got of control. I missed it though the minute I cut it. Adam was probably tempted to roll his eyes at me when I cried over I don't think I cried as much as Ben, but he just didn't like sitting there. I don't guess I blame him. It turned out cute I think although I'm kind of partial to the kid it's on. :-)


Laura said...


Give that baby a sucker. Poor thing.

I bet Adam really did roll his eyes when he was comforting you and you couldn't see his face. Heehee

I like it. It looks good. You can't keep his hair long forever. He's a boy. It's gotta go short sometime! Good job.

Carolina girl said...

I think it looks nice, although I can completely understand missing the before look to the point of tears since I was just there myself only a few weeks ago.:)

holley family said...

he looks so grown up! and you'll look back after the next few kids and think how silly it is, but i still got upset over sarahbeth's own hair cut (she decided to try bangs) which neither she nor i liked, and since has been trying to rememdy that and get rid of bangs entirely (by cutting the bangs completely off!). i need to call you too!!!

Bev Tate said...

great to see how you are all doing, i hope you don't mind but I added you to my blog list.

Kathryn Crouse said...

Way to go mommy!! It reminds me of our first son's official haircut. We were so devastated, but about a month later, we realized.. dang, we shoulda done that a long time ago. His hair looks great!!! Many more tears during haircuts to come! LOL. Love ya. Hope you are doing good :)

Patrice said...

I give Jayden his haircuts in the tub while JT distracts him. Then his hair's already wet and he has stuff to keep him busy. That's sad/funny being emotional about it. But when you're attached, you're attached.