Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ben's Birthday

I really need to get crackin' on what to do for his birthday. He isn't going to remember it, but he will get older and see the pictures from it so I want to do *something* nice. I have playgroup that day. Any ideas? What did you do for your kid's first birthday? Thanks!!!


Laura said...

Hmmm...first birthday, you totally gotta have a party. It doesn't matter that kids invited are older or whatever, invite YOUR friends, cookout, have cake, get some presents and just have a party.

holley family said...

with sb we had a pool party and a bym (bring your own meat) bbq! it was fun! tj's birthday was on thanksgiving and so we had a party afterwards, but everyone forgot and only the lawrences showed up... i don't know what we'll do for kempton... we still have 11 months :)

holley family said...

oh yeah, chocolate cake makes fir the best pictures

Caroline said...

I had a big birthday party for both of my kids. John Evan's was at home with a "construction" theme. We just played in the back yard and had a little craft. I rented out a room at a PARA building with a "ladybug" theme. Don't forget his little individual cake so he can dig in!