Monday, November 24, 2008

My Two Cents on Twilight, the Movie

Ignore this post if you're not a fan, mostly bc you'll see how much of a dork I am..haha.
Going into this and any book made into a movie, I look for two things: Does is stay fairly true to the original story? Does it incite in me the same feelings as the book? If I can say yes to both of those things, then it's been a successful movie and anything else is icing on the cake. That was indeed the case with Twilight.
I was able to see things on screen that I had only imagined when reading the book or that I just wasn't able to visualize come to life before me on the big screen. Going in knowing that the movie would never be as good as the book (they never are), it was good for different reasons. Here's some things that I wasn't crazy about:

Bella--I didn't understand her character as much here. I never understood why she loved Edward so much even though this was from her perspective. From the book, I could see that his beauty and that he was perfect in everything were what did it for her..didn't get that from the movie though. I didn't mind that she never smiled. I didn't think she ever smiled much any way so I felt like that was true to character. I would have loved to hear them say they love one another at some point though.

Edward--nice beautiful face and I think he really transformed from Cedrick Diggory to be this character well, but, man, someone needs to tell him to stand up straight and hit the gym! Book Edward was PERFECT for goodness sake!

I really really hoped to see the "stupid shiny Volvo owner" scene. Deleted scenes maybe..

Meadow scene--I could what they were trying to do with his skin like diamonds, but to me "sparkly Edward" came across as "blurry Edward". It was weird. Maybe it was the screen and it will look better when on DVD. (Oh yes, gotta have the DVD.) Other than that (major) detail, this scene was better on screen than I had visualized from the book.

One of my favorite things was the addition of a new character: Charlie's mustache! That thing was awesome! It should have had it's own lines or something. Team Charlie's Mustache over here!


Lisa said...

Does that say "one on the way'? Am I understanding correctly? If so...Congratulations!!!

My favorite part of the movie was the baseball game.

Katy said...

I'm hopefully going to see it this weekend. I'm really looking forward to it!!!

Andrea said...

I hated that they had Bella up in that super tall tree!! She can't even walk with out tripping let alone stand up in a tree, and climb around, my goodness.

I think it cut too much out and they should have made it a made for tv movie. that way they would have had more time.

I am sad Bella and Alice weren't super good friends.

Emmit was my favorite.

I think they will have to do a lot of back tracking with the second movie.

I was disapointed....sigh....I really wanted more.

But I will buy the movie too, I am a dork. I liked the books way more than the movie, so far.

Harry Potter stayed true to the story, why can't Twilight?

And they cut Lauren, poor Lauren.

Okay, I will get off my soap box. It was entertaining, to say the least.

holley family said...

HA! that sounds hilarious! (the mustache part) annalie and i are planning on seeing it once we and our children are sick free... so we can be well rested and ready to critique accurately of course! can't wait to see you guys in a few weeks!