Saturday, May 10, 2008

Celebrating Could-be Celebrities

Have you ever dreamed that you were best buds with someone famous? I have them every now and then. I don't think I want to be friends with them BECAUSE they're famous, but more because they seem fun to be around and they'd have plenty to talk about that I wouldn't know anything about. Usually I wake up really disappointed..haha..Lame, huh?

You want to know who, don't you?? K, fine..most recently Stephenie Meyer who wrote the Twilight series..I don't remember before that though. Or at least that's all giving you. ;-)

But I was thinking about it and I already know some really amazing people who are incredibly talented at something specific. Some people I know can write something that I can experience through their words so much that it seems like I'm there, some can just make me pee my pants laughing at them (in their writing or otherwise), some are amazing musicians, some are very creative and could whip up the cutest scrapbook page in a matter of minutes, some can make a masterpiece of a meal, and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. So here's to the amazingly talented people in my life. (By the way, that's all of you in some way or the other.) Love around! group hug, group hug..


Laura said...

Thanks for talking so good about me. Love you too! haha