The other day, I was pushing Ben in his stroller at McNeese taking care of some last minute school stuff. We are coming out of the handicap ramp in Kaufman Hall. It's like a two-lane ramp with a rail in the middle dividing the "lanes". Three police officers, pretty young, were walking towards the ramp and the middle spotted Ben and started talking to him, not paying a lot of attention to where he was going. Can you see where this going? He walked right smack into the middle rail! He bowed over in pain, holding his groin and his co-worker buddies started howling laughing at him! I felt like I was in high school for minute there. It was the funniest thing I've seen in while.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Funny Stories..true stories
My little boy, Ben, cracks me up! It is amazing to watch him take the things he learns and use them himself. Here a couple of examples. He has learned to make all kinds of animal sounds (cow, pig, sheep, elephant, dog, bear, lion, etc.). He also makes sounds for his dear parents. He likes to imitate us snoring. Now I'm not sure where he gets MY sound from because I am confident that I don't snore! :-D Adam on the other hand, well...Funny enough, he makes the same snoring sound for his dog, Boomer, a pug. So we are in church the other day and there is a family with a newborn. I had noticed Ben watching and had explained that it was a baby. Shortly after we got there, the cute little newborn did what all newborns do when there parents are awake--he went to sleep. Ben, using the new sounds he learned, saw the baby sleeping, pointed and started snoring!
Another funny Ben story..We are riding in the car and asking him what a cow says, what a dog says etc. He responds with the appropriate sounds. Then we ask him what sound Ben makes. He doesn't know so he just makes one up. We tell him that Ben says "waaaa" but we could never get him to do it. The other night we are about to go to bed and we ask him sound he makes. I thought he would have forgotten since we only told him that one time. He starts whining and waa-ing with a big grin on his face! so cute!
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